Press Releases
September 27, 2017

Better Medicare Alliance Applauds Senate Passage of Chronic Care Act

Better Medicare Alliance (BMA) President and CEO Allyson Y. Schwartz released the following statement in response to the unanimous vote by the U.S. Senate to approve S. 870, the Creating High-Quality Results and Outcomes Necessary to Improve Chronic (CHRONIC) Care Act of 2017.

Washington, D.C. – Better Medicare Alliance (BMA) President and CEO Allyson Y. Schwartz released the following statement in response to the unanimous vote by the U.S. Senate to approve S. 870, the Creating High-Quality Results and Outcomes Necessary to Improve Chronic (CHRONIC) Care Act of 2017:


“We are more than pleased to see the Senate take a strong, bipartisan step in support of Medicare Advantage by unanimously approving the CHRONIC Care Act.


“This legislation will improve quality of life for nearly 19 million Americans who rely on Medicare Advantage, the private-public option in Medicare. The CHRONIC Care Act represents real steps toward the future of Medicare – investment in value-based care, independence at home and enhanced benefits including telehealth that offers comprehensive care to older adults. The changes to care delivery as result of this legislation would provide real solutions to the challenges posed by an increasing population of those living with multiple, often costly chronic conditions.


“The CHRONIC Care Act has been a high legislative priority for our coalition of 91 organizations representing providers, insurers, advocates and aging professionals. We are particularly pleased that the Senate approved permanent reauthorization of Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans (SNPs) and hope their House colleagues will match this commitment. The bipartisan support for care provided by SNPs is reflected in this vote by the Senate. Over two million seniors and people with disabilities with high-cost needs depend on a stable environment for the SNP program.”


“We commend the leadership of Senators Orrin Hatch and Ron Wyden, and original sponsors Senators Mark Warner and John Issakson who worked with the health community to draft this legislation. The CHRONIC Care Act recognizes and looks to build upon the progress achieved in Medicare Advantage to emphasize care coordination, early intervention, care transitions, and effective secondary interventions for seniors with chronic disease.”


Please read BMA’s press release announcing support of the legislation here.

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